Digital Marketing Part 5

Developing a Social Media Strategy

What is a Social Media Strategy?
A Social Media Marketing Strategy OR a social media strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you are succeeding or failing.
The more specific your strategy is, the more effective the execution will be.

Developing a social media strategy is an important part of making sure that each of your campaigns is helping you get closer to meeting your marketing goals. After you have decided which channels you plan to use, you’ll need to consider how often you plan to post and what types of content you will post.
Start by considering what you know about your audience. What type of content do they like best? Develop content that’s engaging but also speaks to their needs and challenges. You will need social media marketing ideas.
You should also consider how you plan to make engagement and response. This should be a consistent part of your social media management. Do you plan to reach out to fans and followers and start a conversation? How often will you respond to questions and concerns posted to your page? Do you plan to use contests to engage your audience? All of this should be somewhere in your social media strategy.
Do You Have A Social Media Schedule?


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