Bollywood Star Mahesh Anand Dies

Mahesh Anand has left a history of successful films from the 1980's through to the 90's.

The cause of  his death is not clear yet. His body was taken for postmortem to Cooper Hospital.

For most of his roles, Mahesh played negative roles as a bad guy who became pretty popular through his roles. In January 2018, he stared in Gavinda's "Rangeela Raja". 

 Some of the hit movies that Mahesh has worked in are; 'Kurukshertra', 'Swarg', 'Coolie No 1', 'Vijeta', and 'Shahenshah'. Besides staring in great movies, Mahesh has worked with many of Bollywood's great names like Govinda. 

The actor had not taken to acting in a long time. Most of his fans were amazed to watch him in 2018 when he reappeared on the scene in " Rangeela Raja" and according to his social media posts, it was obvious that he was also glad to be back on screen.

He explained in some interview that when he could not get movie offers, he took to wrestling matches in order to earn bread and butter for himself. And this seems to justify the claims that he was facing a financial crisis. 


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