Ilhan Omar on the Verge of being the first Muslim woman in Congress

Ilhan Omar, 36, is a Somali American politician from Minnesota.
 In 2016, she was elected a member of the Minnesota House of representatives.
She was the first Somali-American legislator elected to office
in the United States of America.
Ilhan was first elected into office days after Donald Trump visited Minnesota
and told supporters that faulty refugee voting process allowed large number
of Somalis to come to Minnesota.
Trump talked about how Somalis had gone to Minnesota without the
American people’s knowledge and without the people’s support or approval.
Trump actually went on to say that some Somalis join ISIS upon reaching
the United States and then spread their extremist views all over America.

Somalis in USA are a people who work hard to become part of the state
and the nation’s fabric.  
Trump’s characterization of Somalis is dangerous but despite all this,
voters did not only cast aside Trump’s comments in 2016 when they voted
Ilhan Omar in the Minnesota House of representatives
but they also did it once more a few days a go by voting Ilhan Omar
in the Democratic primary in Minnesota’s 5ht congressional district.
This literally means, Ilhan is likely becoming the first Somali-American
to serve in Congress. Omar who fled the Somali civil war and lived
in a Kenyan refugee camp, is poised to become the first muslim woman elected
to Congress.
Omar is the Director of Policy and Initiatives of the Women Organizing Women
Network and she is also the Democratic Farmer Labor nominee for
U. S. Representative in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, having won
the primary on August 14, 2018.

By: Moses Nathan Muhangi


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