Digital Marketing Part 3

Choosing The Right Social Media Channels For Your Brand (I)
What does choosing the right social media management platforms involve? Choosing the right social media channels for your brands depends on your audience and goals. Before you can begin putting together a game plan for social media management, you will need to consider what the best social media platforms are for your business.

Here’s a brief overview of the different platforms and what benefits they can provide your business:
Facebook – As of the second quarter of 2018 Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users who come from diverse backgrounds.
In the third quarter of 2012, the number of active Facebook users had surpasses one billion, making it the first social network ever to do so.
Active users are those who have logged in to Facebook in the last 30 days. There is also a nice balance of genders and age groups when it comes to
Facebook’s user-base. This makes it a great social platform for businesses that are trying to reach
a wider audience.
Instagram – Instagram is a great social media channel for brands that create a lot of visual content.
Instagram’s audience as of June 2018 had reached one billion monthly active users.
Instagram can be a great platform for businesses selling products or services related to fashion, lifestyle, art, or other visual-focused industries.
The mobile photo sharing network reached a billion in June 2018 up from 800 million in September 2017.
Instagram app is one of the most popular social networks worldwide.

What Other Social Media Channels would you choose for your Brand?



  1. Isn't there a way for me to use Instagram for a service based business....say a consultancy firm

    1. People in service-based businesses have always struggled with using Instagram to advance their enterprises. It is frustrating to see a platform with incredible potential but have no idea how to use it to your advantage. These entrepreneurs struggle to find the right content to post to keep their businesses in front of potential customers. That is why many entrepreneurs in service-based businesses just keep away from Instagram altogether. And that is the very reason companies, businesses and brands ought to hire Social Media Managers or Social Media Companies to handle their Social Media Channels.

    2. Hello Stella, there are certain things you can do and tactics you can employ to not only have a presence on Instagram, but thrive including making money in the social networking platform. In addition to using Instagram tools that can help you better position your service-based to grow its audience and make money. Your question actually triggers me to write articles on what to consider while using Instagram for a service based business.


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