The Ordinary Girl

The Ordinary Girl 

The Girl Whose Eyes Always Wandered

The lack of warmth where arms would be wrapped around her almost mocked her, goosebumps rising on her skin.

It was an average day; no exaggerated drops or jumps in temperature, and yet she felt so _cold_.

She felt her life was an old, tattered box with little holes here and there for sunlight to just _peak_ through to her.

She felt glum and sulky as an average.

Her problems never went away, no matter what she did. Her life was a tornado, constantly throwing her roughly in every direction but up.

She was buried under the heaps of dirt known as her worries, regrets and false hopes.

She was dead as she saw it, except she laid in a bed rather than a coffin.

Her only joys in life were far out of reach; beyond her boxed, confined and constricted life. Sometimes they would tease her; hovering just outside her box, giving her glimpses of what she didn't have.

When it came to her life, her hands were tied behind her back and her weaknesses were bared to whatever brought negativity upon her.
She clawed at the ropes, but it only chipped her nail.

She was helplessly falling deep into a pit of herself, and she desperately wanted someone to catch her by the wrist before she was too far gone.

She just wanted _someone_.



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