She's Seen As a Fool

she's seen as a fool
who needs a man to be full 
labeled as a mere tool 
bound by endless rules 

as the saying goes 
"to whom much is given,
much is expected"
but for her race
the reverse she'll face 

because she's female 
she's believed to be just a rib 
that completes an egotistical creep 
and even at the end of the count 
she still doesn't count 

culture tells her;
"you can only talk, not say
and not too loud to be heard 
or else you'll look really bad" 

she should follow any lead 
obey any bid 
and not do things her way 
because she's female, she has no say

her freedom is yard-sticked 
by the casting cliche  
"ye are the weaker vessel" 
therefore, she's treated like a fragile beetle.


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