Raging around in this perfect domicile i created
Twirling my thoughts through every crack and crevice my brain seems to offer
Thoughts of who i am and who i choose to be
I remain derailed with the feel of a nuisance
Not to others but to myself
Am i that guy they want to hang out with
Am i that guy who is just there for their personal benefit
I believe am not in to petrify
Rather to dignify
And to rectify my peoples broken lives

Truth be told am that kind of guy who really doesn't care what they will say
Am that kind of guy whose life will move continuously forward despite the heartbreaking stories i will hear roaming around abt me
About ny madness
Abot my sexuality
About what i do in my free time
I learnt to believe that words dont kill
But rather take you through a feel
A feel of thrill
Unnoticeable by the meek of mind
Those that dont understand the grind

Get on with it naughty head
Get your thoughts in order
Relieve yourself from the chords of society
Its not really your diety
Your a gracious man
I say to myelf
Incapable of holding a grudge
Coz your heart simply will not budge
Your that kind of man with a plan
Not a man made to run
To run from fate
Without a taste 
Coupled with ounces of haste
Because my dear little head your not a man made to hate.



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