I'm A City

I am a city

The city of life.
My heart is a skyscraper with million views
 and my veins are rivers
 winding through tributaries, in search of the pristine ocean. 
I am moving forward,
 but stuck in slow motion.
My lungs are the tree tops,
 dancing with fresh buds of new life. 
The leaves that fall are the breaths I didn't take. 
The wishes I didn't make,
 and the smiles I couldn't fake. 
They are the breaths I lost when hopelessness settled on my chest, 
and the thorn-covered vines of poison ivy 
weaved through my heart,
 choking me with clawed nails and calloused hands. 

I run, and I fall, and still... I don't know how to land. 
Will you ever understand?
My eyes are the windows through which I see the world. 
But they are dirty. 
Smeared with the blood of a thousand insignificant wounds that will never heal.
 Poison ivy clings, cobwebs form, 
the rivers run dry,
 and that ocean; it lies somewhere in the vast expanse of earth,
 undiscovered. Untouched.
 Clouded by memories of smoke and flames. 

The allure that death once held, it remains.
I am a city filled with derelict buildings 
and crumbling walls. 
I'm not asking for much, I don't want it all. 
The dust has settled and formed an impenetrable layer.
 I am a heartbeat. One heartbeat away from mass destruction. 
Can I rebuild and call it, mass construction?
I am a rollercoaster of emotions,
 travelling at the speed of light through grief,
 happiness, heartache, and joy.
My life is a lie, my words are a ploy. 
Someone told me that once. Do they know words can destroy?

I am a worshipping place
 filled with hope, faith, and undying love. 
I am an angel bound to heaven. 
I lost my chance to fly above. 
Through stained glass windows, I see beauty; 
I see kindness; I see compassion. 
In these pews I will wait,
 perhaps here I'll find passion.
I am the midnight sky, 
a curtain of darkness
 through which you will see nothing but the demons who feed upon my soul, 
and remind me, the face I see in the mirror, will never be whole.

But every night when my head hits the pillow, 
and I close my eyes to the world, 
I wander through dreams, and see things you've never seen, 
and I sing to myself, and I sing my own tune.
Because I am the moon.
And I am the sun, and one billion bright stars. 
The creator of my destiny, and the owner of these scars.


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