My name is "fresh",
And I come from a family of freshers.
In my former family, my dad was prom and my mum was sosh.

My favourite hangouts used to be buzz,miss teen, kadanke, maker's bash but now,all that is no more.
Now I'm expected to actually" know more ."

For me to be part of my new family,
I'll have to wake up.
I'll have to grow up,man up and start looking up there.
So that means I'm supposed to look up my future, or else I'll become another useless feature.

In my new family,
A uniform is a terrible nightmare.
"Who the hell would put on a uniform at campus?"

Here, you choose what to wear.
Here, what you do builds or ruins your career.
Here, you have to do away with fear because fear will either make you a loser, or it may lead you to remove your underwear.

In that case, I'll have to make new friends.
I'll try to make friends who'll not only teach me new trends but friends who'll also notify me of the good and worst ends.

But I'm worried.
Worried that in my quest for friends,
I'll meet Josh, who rides a borrowed Porsche.
Meet Kenny, who doesn't have a single penny.
Meet Fred, who apart from being lousy and ugly, the only thing he knows best is laying girls in his bed.

My brain is subjected to a lot of adjustments.
I'm continuing with my name, "student"
But neither will I study from a class nor be taught by a teacher.

My class is now a lecture room, my teacher is now a lecturer.
I now have to do courses instead of subjects.
I'll hear words like "headteacher,timekeeper, prefect and wake up for preps" no more.



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