Women have the power to get you to think and to act
They do things from the bottom of their hearts
With the heart beating slowly by slowly and hopefully, powerfully comprehending deep intellectual thought
They listen to silence to discover its music
Their silence can elicit sounds that can be heard by any willing listeners
They're the soft breeze that comfort in the toughest of times
They're the love you feel when all love is lost
They're the lovely sensitively sweet people that make the world a glow
They're the fountain of man that are pure and hold nothing but purity in them
They're the crystal blues that we see high in the grays of clouds
And when clouds hide into the night
They're the stars all over the sky
They're women
They're the hope for tomorrow
They're the humility and the grace of the world
They're the Janet Kataha Museveni's
They're the Stella Nyanzi's
They're the Michelle Obama's
They're the Ivanka Trump's
They're the mothers of the Janet's and the Michelle's
They're the mothers of nations
And they're the mothers of mothers of nations.
They're the intelligent brains, once given chance to study, not just to the kitchen, they don't just come up with solutions, they're the solutions
They're the sound of life
They're the heartbeat of the world
They're the depth of our hearts
They're the pulsating palettes of ideas that enforce the phenomenon of life
They're the painters of stories of real life happenings
They're the brilliant sounds that que up for water with jerrycans to have their families fed
They're the mothers that walk their sons to schools on dusty roads when their fathers are long gone
They're the embodiment of life
They're the silent silence with actions
They're the energy like no other.
Mar8 2017 ©Moses Nathan MUHANGI


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